
When it comes to bathrooms, most people tend to play it safe with neutral colors and simple design elements, but considering how much time is typically spent in the bath, shouldn’t your room better reflect your singular taste? Don’t be intimidated by going bold: Turning your bathroom into a unique space is now easier than ever with distinctive fixtures and faucets that can be mixed and matched to create your true design aesthetic.

“I think the era of neutrality and 'less is more' is dying and clients are looking for opportunities to express their individuality and personality,” said Summer Thornton of Summer Thornton Design in Chicago, adding that your bathroom can be personalized through stylized fixtures and unconventional finishes.


Bold And Beautiful

Your bathroom can be a great place to push the boundaries beyond your comfort zone. Whether you’re looking for a small upgrade or a total remodel, a bold design can add major style to your bath and transform it from an afterthought to a celebration of your own personal style.

An adventurous piece, such as the Components bathroom sink spout with tube design in ombré titanium and rose gold, can be paired with traditional design elements to create a sophisticated effect. “I think boldness communicates confidence,” Thornton explained. “If someone is feeling nervous about taking the leap with a bold selection, I typically remind them that much of our work is anchored in tradition and classical elements, so weaving in some boldness is what keeps it fresh and current and gives it some edge.”

Another way to go bold without feeling like you might be going overboard is to integrate fresh elements to create a classic look — the addition of a free-standing bath with the KOHLER Artifacts with claw-feet, for example, can add a vintage element while still keeping it modern.


Fun With Faucets And Fixtures

Faucets are a surprisingly easy way to add a pop of color and personality to the bathroom. The KOHLER Purist faucet with straight lever handle in matte blackhas a simple, but elevated design, while the Composed widespread faucet with lever handles has a minimalist look. When paired with a glass sink such as Briolette, it creates an eye-catching combination.

“Why leave it up to only the tile to help add style to a bathroom?” said Carla Aston of Designed With Carla Aston. “Special fixtures are like the extra mile you can go with design.”

“Over the past year, our interior designers have noted time and time again that demand for on-trend smooth matte finishes continues to reign,” said Thornton, noting that high-shine finishes work as well. “The key here is viability since both pair well with all design styles for a look that will stand the test of time.”

Options like the Purist faucet in gold, paired with the hand-carved texture of the Derring on Carillon Round Wading Pool bathroom sink, can create a unique, timeless combination.

“I've used the Vox vessel sinks a few times in powder rooms lately and really love their elegance and simplicity,” said Aston.

By introducing bold, tasteful elements, you can design a relaxing retreat that will cater to your comfort and enjoyment, and still stand the test of time.
